1 PARSIFAL database - Author: Giulio F. Pappafico - DiSPeA-Università degli Studi di Urbino 'Carlo Bo' Move the mouse over tables & columns to read the comments. c. Reference tables b. Geographic reference tables a. Core tables Fk fk_ph_rMass ph ref rMass ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) fk_rMass Fk fk_ph_cover ph ref cover ( fk_cover -> pk_cover ) fk_cover Fk fk_ph_lSlide ph ref lSlide ( fk_lSlide -> pk_lSlide ) fk_lSlide Fk fk_disc_rMass disc ref rMass ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) fk_rMass lSlideTable Default.lSlide 'lslide' table storing data about landslides already registered in the IFFI inventory or newly observed. IFFI acronym stands for "Inventario Fenomeni Franosi Italiani" (Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy), project carried out by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) and the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces (ISPRA, 2008). Pk pk_frane ( pk_lSlide ) Pk Pk_frane_pk_lSlide ( pk_lSlide ) pk_lSlidepk_lSlide * integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key Referred by ph ( fk_lSlide -> pk_lSlide ) codecode * text(2000000000) landslide observation point identification unique code t rDaterDate * date default CURRENT_DATE database recording date d x_coordx_coord real UTM E coordinate # y_coordy_coord real UTM N coordinate # locloc text(2000000000) brief description of the location t geolgeol text(2000000000) name of the geologist who collects the data t iffiIdiffiId integer IFFI landslide identification unique code # x_piffx_piff real PIFF point UTM E coordinate # y_piffy_piff real PIFF point UTM N coordinate # typetype text(60) landslide cinematic type according to the IFFI classification t matmat text(7) description of the landslide accumulation material t graingrain text(3) grain size acronym taken from database table 6, where the acronym is related to field identification criteria t cemcem text(14) cementation grade to be chosen between "loose" and "hardly cemented" t sectsect text(2000000000) link to the path of the landslide cross-section schematic draw t dirdir integer landslide movement direction # notenote text(2000000000) any relevant note about the observed landslide t coverTable Default.cover 'cover' table storing data about observed Quaternary cover deposits. Table records information on the outcrops geometric characteristics and deposits composition. Unq pk_cover ( pk_cover ) pk_coverpk_cover * integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key Referred by ph ( fk_cover -> pk_cover ) codecode * text(2000000000) cover observation point identification unique code t rDaterDate * date default CURRENT_DATE database recording date d x_coordx_coord real UTM E coordinate # y_coordy_coord real UTM N coordinate # locloc text(2000000000) brief description of the location t geolgeol text(2000000000) name of the geologist who collects the data t hh real cover outcrop height # ww real cover outcrop width # vThvTh real outcrop visible thickness of the cover # tThtTh real true thickness of the cover # typetype text(2000000000) description of the type of Quaternary cover deposit t graingrain text(3) grain size acronym taken from database table 6. Acronym is related to field identification criteria t cemcem text(14) cementation grade to be chosen between "loose" and "hardly cemented" t notenote text(2000000000) any relevant note about the observed cover t phTable Default.ph Child 'ph' table storing information related to the images of landslides ("lslide" parent table), rock masses ("rmass" parent table) and covers ("cover" parent table). Unq pk_ph ( pk_ph ) pk_phpk_ph * integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # codecode * text(2000000000) image identification unique code related to the type of observed geographic feature t photophoto text(2000000000) string of the path to directory and image file t fk_lSlidefk_lSlide integer FK referencing the PK of 'lSlide' table References lSlide ( fk_lSlide -> pk_lSlide ) fk_rMassfk_rMass integer FK referencing the PK of 'rMass' table References rMass ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) fk_coverfk_cover integer FK referencing the PK of 'cover' table References cover ( fk_cover -> pk_cover ) rMassTable Default.rMass Parent 'rmass' geographic table storing data about rock masses observed at field points. Data concern typical parameters characterizing the rock mass. Unq pk_rMass ( pk_rMass ) pk_rMasspk_rMass * integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key Referred by disc ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) Referred by ph ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) codecode * text(2000000000) rock mass observation point identification unique code t rDaterDate * date default CURRENT_DATE database recording date d x_coordx_coord real UTM E coordinate # y_coordy_coord real UTM N coordinate # locloc text(2000000000) brief description of the location t geolgeol text(2000000000) name of the geologist who collects the data t hh real rock mass outcrop height # ww real rock mass outcrop weigth # dipdip real rock mass strata dip value to describe the outcrop orientation # dipDirdipDir integer rockk mass strata dip direction value to describe the outcrop orientation # litolito text(2000000000) lithologic description t typetype text(11) adjective to describe the rock masses according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978) t weatweat text(2) number indicating the grade of weathering (or alteration) of the rock mass according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978) t imageimage text(2000000000) t lvlv real vertical length along which the number of joint is counted # ldld real diagonal length along which the number of joint is counted # lolo real horizontal length along which the number of joint is counted # lvJlvJ integer number of joints counted along the "lv" vertical length # ldJldJ integer number of joints counted along the "ld" diagonal length # loJloJ integer number of joints counted along the "lo" horizontal length # notenote text(2000000000) any relevant note about the observed rock mass t discTable Default.disc Child 'disc' table storing data about rock mass discontinuity sets. Pk pk_disc ( pk_disc ) pk_discpk_disc * integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # setset * integer progressive number of the discontinuity set occurring in the single rock mass # typetype text(2) discontinuity acronym taken from database table 9. Acronym is related to a descriptive term t dipdip real discontinuity dip angle # dipDirdipDir integer discontinuity dip direction angle # minSpminSp real discontinuity sets spacing minimum value in meters # maxSpmaxSp real discontinuity sets spacing maximum value in meters # meanSpmeanSp real discontinuity sets spacing mean value in meters # minPminP real discontinuity set persistence minimum value in meters # maxPmaxP real discontinuity set persistence maximum value in meters # meanPmeanP real discontinuity set persistence mean value in meters # rougroug text(4) number identifying the surface roughness according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978) t jWeatRjWeatR integer Schmidt hammer rebound number on weathered joint surface as it appears in outcrop # jClRjClR integer Schmidt hammer rebound number on surface after cleaning with carborundum stone # shPshP text(2) Schmidt hammer position t isrmTisrmT text(2) grade provided by the "Manual index test" performed on the rock surface according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978) t weatweat text(2) weathering stage described using qualifying terms according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978) t fk_rMassfk_rMass * integer FK referencing the PK of 'rMass' table References rMass ( fk_rMass -> pk_rMass ) comuni2016Table Default.comuni2016 Table of administrative boundaries of Italian municipalities provided by ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics). This table should be replaced by the table of local administrative boundaries of the geographical survey region. Unq pk_comuni2016 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # COD_REGCOD_REG integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Region. # COD_CMCOD_CM integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Municipality # COD_PROCOD_PRO integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Province. # PRO_COMPRO_COM integer Province and Municipality unique codes. # COMUNECOMUNE text(2000000000) Name of the Municipality t NOME_TEDNOME_TED text(2000000000) t FLAG_CMFLAG_CM integer # SHAPE_LengSHAPE_Leng double(2000000000,10) # SHAPE_AreaSHAPE_Area double(2000000000,10) # GeometryGeometry multipolygon Geometry data type field t IFFI_lineariTable Default.IFFI_lineari Table of 'linear landslides'. These are landslides of linear geometry at the field survey scale as required by the Italian landslide inventory (IFFI). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region. Unq pk_IFFI_lineari ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # IDFRANAIDFRANA integer Landslide identification code # GeometryGeometry multilinestring Geometry data type field t IFFI_piffTable Default.IFFI_piff Table of 'landslide event identification point' (PIFF: italian acronym). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region. Unq pk_IFFI_piff ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # IDFRANAIDFRANA integer Landslide identification code # PUNTIPUNTI integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by point geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria # LINEELINEE integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by polyline geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria # POLIGONIPOLIGONI integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by polygon geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria # REGIONEREGIONE text(2000000000) Name of italian Region where landslide occurred t TIPOLOGIATIPOLOGIA text(2000000000) Landslide kinematic type t DESCRIZIONDESCRIZION text(2000000000) Adjective defining the landslide state of activity t COD_STATOCOD_STATO text(2000000000) t FOTOINTERPFOTOINTERP text(2000000000) t RILEVAMENTRILEVAMENT text(2000000000) t MONITORAGGMONITORAGG text(2000000000) t ARCHIVIOARCHIVIO text(2000000000) t SEGNALAZIOSEGNALAZIO text(2000000000) t METODO_FINMETODO_FIN text(2000000000) t TIPO_MOVTIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type # GeometryGeometry point Geometry data type field # IFFI_areeTable Default.IFFI_aree Table of areas enclosing multiple continous landslide phenomenon. This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region. Unq pk_IFFI_aree ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # IDFRANAIDFRANA integer Landslide identification code # TIPO_MOVTIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type # GeometryGeometry multipolygon Geometry data type field t IFFI_franeTable Default.IFFI_frane Table of 'polygonal landslides'. These are landslides of polygonal geometry at the field survey scale as required by the Italian landslide inventory (IFFI). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region. Unq pk_IFFI_frane ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # IDFRANAIDFRANA integer Landslide identification code # TIPO_MOVTIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type # TIPO_POLTIPO_POL integer # GeometryGeometry multipolygon Geometry data type field t IFFI_dgpvTable Default.IFFI_dgpv Table of Italian 'Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations? (DGPV: Italian acronym). Unq pk_IFFI_dgpv ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # IDFRANAIDFRANA integer Landslide identification code # TIPO_MOVTIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type # GeometryGeometry multipolygon Geometry data type field t t_9Table Default.t_9 Reference table for selecting and storing the discontinuity type. Unq pk_t_9 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # labellabel text(2000000000) Label indicating the discontinuity type t typetype text(2000000000) Types of discontinuity t t_10Table Default.t_10 Reference table for selecting and storing the accumulation material type. Unq pk_t_10 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # idid integer # materialmaterial text(2000000000) The three basic terms to indicate the type of accumulation material t t_11Table Default.t_11 Reference table for selecting and store the Schmidt hammer position (ISRM, 1978). Unq pk_t_11 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # labellabel text(2000000000) Synthetic label representing the Schmidt hammer orientation class t descriptiondescription text(2000000000) Five classes of Schmidt hammer orientation t t_5Table Default.t_5 Reference table for the qualitative assessment of the "weathering grade of rock material". Unq pk_t_5 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # termterm text(20) Adjectives defining the weathering grades of rock mass or rock material t descriptiondescription text(200000) Extended description of the characteristics defining the different weathering grades of rock mass or rock material t t_6Table Default.t_6 Reference table for selecting and storing the label relative to the grain size class of the landslide deposit. Unq pk_t_6 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # labellabel char(2) Label of the grain size class c criteriacriteria text(2000000000) Criteria for the definition of the grain size class t grain_sizegrain_size text(2000000000) Synthetic name of the grain size class t t_7Table Default.t_7 Reference table for selecting and storing the landslide kinematic type. Unq pk_t_7 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # codecode integer Integer number as uniquely identifier code of the landslide kinematic type # typetype text(2000000000) Landslide kinematic types t t_8Table Default.t_8 Reference table for selecting and storing the cover deposit type. pkpk integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # codecode text(2000000000) Labels representing the initials of terms defining the cover deposit type t descriptiondescription text(2000000000) The cover deposit types t t_1Table Default.t_1 Types of rock masses. ISRM (1978) Unq pk_t_1 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # rMassTrMassT text(2000000000) Unique descriptive term of the Rock mass type t t_2Table Default.t_2 Grades of weathering or alteration. ISRM (1978) Unq pk_t_2 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # namename text(2000000000) Short description of the weathering grade of rock mass according to ISRM (1978) t gradegrade text(2000000000) Grade defined according to ISRM (1978) t t_3Table Default.t_3 Grades and types of roughness. ISRM (1978) Unq pk_t_3 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # gradegrade text(2000000000) The nine categories of profile: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX t surfacesurface text(2000000000) Three degrees of surface roughness: stepped - undulating - planar t profileprofile text(2000000000) The three descriptive terms of surface profile inside each of the surface roughness degrees defined by 'surface' attribute of this table: rough - smooth - slickensided t t_4Table Default.t_4 Reference table for selecting the field identification criteria and storing the relative grade of the ISRM Manual index test. Unq pk_t_4 ( PK_UID ) PK_UIDPK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key # gradegrade text(2000000000) The 7 grades characterizing the rock discontinuity wall strength t namename text(2000000000) Short description of the discontinuity wall strength resulting from the Manual index tests performed according to the field identification criteria t identification_testidentification_test text(2000000000) Extended description of the field identification criteria of the six grades t

Table IFFI_aree

Table of areas enclosing multiple continous landslide phenomenon. This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  IDFRANA integer Landslide identification code
  TIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type
  Geometry multipolygon Geometry data type field
pk_IFFI_aree ON PK_UID

Table IFFI_dgpv

Table of Italian 'Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations? (DGPV: Italian acronym).

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  IDFRANA integer Landslide identification code
  TIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type
  Geometry multipolygon Geometry data type field
pk_IFFI_dgpv ON PK_UID

Table IFFI_frane

Table of 'polygonal landslides'. These are landslides of polygonal geometry at the field survey scale as required by the Italian landslide inventory (IFFI). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  IDFRANA integer Landslide identification code
  TIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type
  TIPO_POL integer
  Geometry multipolygon Geometry data type field
pk_IFFI_frane ON PK_UID

Table IFFI_lineari

Table of 'linear landslides'. These are landslides of linear geometry at the field survey scale as required by the Italian landslide inventory (IFFI). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  IDFRANA integer Landslide identification code
  Geometry multilinestring Geometry data type field
pk_IFFI_lineari ON PK_UID

Table IFFI_piff

Table of 'landslide event identification point' (PIFF: italian acronym). This table should be replaced by the local inventory of landslide phenomena of the geographical survey region.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  IDFRANA integer Landslide identification code
  PUNTI integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by point geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria
  LINEE integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by polyline geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria
  POLIGONI integer Boolean value defining if landslide is represented by polygon geometry according to the IFFI project field survey criteria
  REGIONE text( 2000000000 ) Name of italian Region where landslide occurred
  TIPOLOGIA text( 2000000000 ) Landslide kinematic type
  DESCRIZION text( 2000000000 ) Adjective defining the landslide state of activity
  COD_STATO text( 2000000000 )
  FOTOINTERP text( 2000000000 )
  RILEVAMENT text( 2000000000 )
  MONITORAGG text( 2000000000 )
  ARCHIVIO text( 2000000000 )
  SEGNALAZIO text( 2000000000 )
  METODO_FIN text( 2000000000 )
  TIPO_MOV integer Integer code to define the Landslide kinematic type
  Geometry point Geometry data type field
pk_IFFI_piff ON PK_UID

Table comuni2016

Table of administrative boundaries of Italian municipalities provided by ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics). This table should be replaced by the table of local administrative boundaries of the geographical survey region.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  COD_REG integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Region.
  COD_CM integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Municipality
  COD_PRO integer Unique code identifying the administrative italian Province.
  PRO_COM integer Province and Municipality unique codes.
  COMUNE text( 2000000000 ) Name of the Municipality
  NOME_TED text( 2000000000 )
  FLAG_CM integer
  SHAPE_Leng double( 2000000000, 10 )
  SHAPE_Area double( 2000000000, 10 )
  Geometry multipolygon Geometry data type field
pk_comuni2016 ON PK_UID

Table cover

'cover' table storing data about observed Quaternary cover deposits. Table records information on the outcrops geometric characteristics and deposits composition.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
* pk_cover integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
* code text( 2000000000 ) cover observation point identification unique code
* rDate date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE database recording date
  x_coord real UTM E coordinate
  y_coord real UTM N coordinate
  loc text( 2000000000 ) brief description of the location
  geol text( 2000000000 ) name of the geologist who collects the data
  h real cover outcrop height
  w real cover outcrop width
  vTh real outcrop visible thickness of the cover
  tTh real true thickness of the cover
  type text( 2000000000 ) description of the type of Quaternary cover deposit
  grain text( 3 ) grain size acronym taken from database table 6. Acronym is related to field identification criteria
  cem text( 14 ) cementation grade to be chosen between "loose" and "hardly cemented"
  note text( 2000000000 ) any relevant note about the observed cover
pk_cover ON pk_cover

Table disc

Child 'disc' table storing data about rock mass discontinuity sets.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
* pk_disc integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
* set integer progressive number of the discontinuity set occurring in the single rock mass
  type text( 2 ) discontinuity acronym taken from database table 9. Acronym is related to a descriptive term
  dip real discontinuity dip angle
  dipDir integer discontinuity dip direction angle
  minSp real discontinuity sets spacing minimum value in meters
  maxSp real discontinuity sets spacing maximum value in meters
  meanSp real discontinuity sets spacing mean value in meters
  minP real discontinuity set persistence minimum value in meters
  maxP real discontinuity set persistence maximum value in meters
  meanP real discontinuity set persistence mean value in meters
  roug text( 4 ) number identifying the surface roughness according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978)
  jWeatR integer Schmidt hammer rebound number on weathered joint surface as it appears in outcrop
  jClR integer Schmidt hammer rebound number on surface after cleaning with carborundum stone
  shP text( 2 ) Schmidt hammer position
  isrmT text( 2 ) grade provided by the "Manual index test" performed on the rock surface according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978)
  weat text( 2 ) weathering stage described using qualifying terms according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978)
* fk_rMass integer FK referencing the PK of 'rMass' table
pk_disc ON pk_disc
Foreign Keys
fk_disc_rMass ( fk_rMass ) ref rMass (pk_rMass)

Table lSlide

'lslide' table storing data about landslides already registered in the IFFI inventory or newly observed. IFFI acronym stands for "Inventario Fenomeni Franosi Italiani" (Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy), project carried out by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) and the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces (ISPRA, 2008).

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
* pk_lSlide integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
* code text( 2000000000 ) landslide observation point identification unique code
* rDate date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE database recording date
  x_coord real UTM E coordinate
  y_coord real UTM N coordinate
  loc text( 2000000000 ) brief description of the location
  geol text( 2000000000 ) name of the geologist who collects the data
  iffiId integer IFFI landslide identification unique code
  x_piff real PIFF point UTM E coordinate
  y_piff real PIFF point UTM N coordinate
  type text( 60 ) landslide cinematic type according to the IFFI classification
  mat text( 7 ) description of the landslide accumulation material
  grain text( 3 ) grain size acronym taken from database table 6, where the acronym is related to field identification criteria
  cem text( 14 ) cementation grade to be chosen between "loose" and "hardly cemented"
  sect text( 2000000000 ) link to the path of the landslide cross-section schematic draw
  dir integer landslide movement direction
  note text( 2000000000 ) any relevant note about the observed landslide
pk_frane ON pk_lSlide
Pk_frane_pk_lSlide ON pk_lSlide

Table ph

Child 'ph' table storing information related to the images of landslides ("lslide" parent table), rock masses ("rmass" parent table) and covers ("cover" parent table).

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
* pk_ph integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
* code text( 2000000000 ) image identification unique code related to the type of observed geographic feature
  photo text( 2000000000 ) string of the path to directory and image file
fk_lSlide integer FK referencing the PK of 'lSlide' table
fk_rMass integer FK referencing the PK of 'rMass' table
fk_cover integer FK referencing the PK of 'cover' table
pk_ph ON pk_ph
Foreign Keys
fk_ph_rMass ( fk_rMass ) ref rMass (pk_rMass)
fk_ph_cover ( fk_cover ) ref cover (pk_cover)
fk_ph_lSlide ( fk_lSlide ) ref lSlide (pk_lSlide)

Table rMass

Parent 'rmass' geographic table storing data about rock masses observed at field points. Data concern typical parameters characterizing the rock mass.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
* pk_rMass integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
* code text( 2000000000 ) rock mass observation point identification unique code
* rDate date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE database recording date
  x_coord real UTM E coordinate
  y_coord real UTM N coordinate
  loc text( 2000000000 ) brief description of the location
  geol text( 2000000000 ) name of the geologist who collects the data
  h real rock mass outcrop height
  w real rock mass outcrop weigth
  dip real rock mass strata dip value to describe the outcrop orientation
  dipDir integer rockk mass strata dip direction value to describe the outcrop orientation
  lito text( 2000000000 ) lithologic description
  type text( 11 ) adjective to describe the rock masses according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978)
  weat text( 2 ) number indicating the grade of weathering (or alteration) of the rock mass according to the ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978)
  image text( 2000000000 )
  lv real vertical length along which the number of joint is counted
  ld real diagonal length along which the number of joint is counted
  lo real horizontal length along which the number of joint is counted
  lvJ integer number of joints counted along the "lv" vertical length
  ldJ integer number of joints counted along the "ld" diagonal length
  loJ integer number of joints counted along the "lo" horizontal length
  note text( 2000000000 ) any relevant note about the observed rock mass
pk_rMass ON pk_rMass

Table t_1

Types of rock masses. ISRM (1978)

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  rMassT text( 2000000000 ) Unique descriptive term of the Rock mass type
pk_t_1 ON PK_UID

Table t_10

Reference table for selecting and storing the accumulation material type.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  id integer
  material text( 2000000000 ) The three basic terms to indicate the type of accumulation material
pk_t_10 ON PK_UID

Table t_11

Reference table for selecting and store the Schmidt hammer position (ISRM, 1978).

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  label text( 2000000000 ) Synthetic label representing the Schmidt hammer orientation class
  description text( 2000000000 ) Five classes of Schmidt hammer orientation
pk_t_11 ON PK_UID

Table t_2

Grades of weathering or alteration. ISRM (1978)

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  name text( 2000000000 ) Short description of the weathering grade of rock mass according to ISRM (1978)
  grade text( 2000000000 ) Grade defined according to ISRM (1978)
pk_t_2 ON PK_UID

Table t_3

Grades and types of roughness. ISRM (1978)

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  grade text( 2000000000 ) The nine categories of profile: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX
  surface text( 2000000000 ) Three degrees of surface roughness: stepped - undulating - planar
  profile text( 2000000000 ) The three descriptive terms of surface profile inside each of the surface roughness degrees defined by 'surface' attribute of this table: rough - smooth - slickensided
pk_t_3 ON PK_UID

Table t_4

Reference table for selecting the field identification criteria and storing the relative grade of the ISRM Manual index test.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  grade text( 2000000000 ) The 7 grades characterizing the rock discontinuity wall strength
  name text( 2000000000 ) Short description of the discontinuity wall strength resulting from the Manual index tests performed according to the field identification criteria
  identification_test text( 2000000000 ) Extended description of the field identification criteria of the six grades
pk_t_4 ON PK_UID

Table t_5

Reference table for the qualitative assessment of the "weathering grade of rock material".

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  term text( 20 ) Adjectives defining the weathering grades of rock mass or rock material
  description text( 200000 ) Extended description of the characteristics defining the different weathering grades of rock mass or rock material
pk_t_5 ON PK_UID

Table t_6

Reference table for selecting and storing the label relative to the grain size class of the landslide deposit.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  label char( 2 ) Label of the grain size class
  criteria text( 2000000000 ) Criteria for the definition of the grain size class
  grain_size text( 2000000000 ) Synthetic name of the grain size class
pk_t_6 ON PK_UID

Table t_7

Reference table for selecting and storing the landslide kinematic type.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  code integer Integer number as uniquely identifier code of the landslide kinematic type
  type text( 2000000000 ) Landslide kinematic types
pk_t_7 ON PK_UID

Table t_8

Reference table for selecting and storing the cover deposit type.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
  pk integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  code text( 2000000000 ) Labels representing the initials of terms defining the cover deposit type
  description text( 2000000000 ) The cover deposit types

Table t_9

Reference table for selecting and storing the discontinuity type.

IndexesField NameData TypeDescription
PK_UID integer Autoincremental integer value as Primary Key
  label text( 2000000000 ) Label indicating the discontinuity type
  type text( 2000000000 ) Types of discontinuity
pk_t_9 ON PK_UID

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